CNP Wedding Suite
Take selections of the wedding music published by CanticaNOVA for various parts of the ceremony,
include copies for an organist and cantor,
put it all together and cut the price and you have the CNP Wedding Suite!
Included in this suite are:
- Processional - Maestoso: Five Processionals (Shenk) - 1 copy
- Psalm - Psalm 34 (Penkala) - 2 copies
- Gospel - from Book of Sung Gospels [single Gospel setting] - 1 copy
- Communion - My Beloved Speaks (Siebert) - 2 copies
- Recessional - Music for a Festive Occasion (Shenk) - 1 copy
A $35.35 value, all for only $25!!

Order #: 2980
Price: $25.00
(Value: $35.35 savings of $10.35!!)
- CNP Suites
- Wedding