Format: Book (123 pages)
Edition: Softcover
Published by: The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius
A wonderful guide for musicians at the Extraordinary Form Mass, the Ceremonial for Sacred Music describes all the rubrics, traditions and customs of liturgical music as celebrated in the 1962 Missale Romanum.
This is a useful resource for choir directors and organists, as well as for priests learning to sing Mass.
In easy-to-read question-and-answer format, this handy guide offers great details on how music fits into the EF Mass.
Some questions answered:
- At what point in the liturgy should the various parts be chanted?
- Is it permissible for Low Mass to be celebrated with sacred music?
- Should the organ be used as accompaniment to the responses?
A special feature of this book is a complete chant tutorial for priests, deacons and subdeacons learning to sing the liturgy and lessons.
Musical examples in square-note notation are included for every possible tone of the Orations, Epistles, Prophecies and Gospels.
Section titles include:
- Spirituality of Sacred Liturgical Music [a short essay]
- Congregational Singing
- The Singers
- The Choirmaster and the Organist
- Organ Compositions
- Music for High Mass
- Music for Low Mass
- Musis for Requiem Masses
- Music for Nuptial Mass
- Vespers
- Benediction
- Confirmation
- Advent
- Christmastide
- Lent, Passiontide & Holy Week
- Sacred Triduum
- Eastertide
- Pentecost Season
- Forty Hours Devotion
- High Mass Chart
- Requiem Mass Chart
- Solemn Benediction Chart
- Nuptial Mass Chart
- Liturgical Music Lessons for Clergy
- Singing the Orations
- Singing the Prophecy Tone
- Singing the Epistle Tone
- Singing the Holy Gospel

Order #: 9123
Price: $15.00
- Books