Format: Audio CD
Produced by: Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg MD
Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, Rector of Mount Saint Mary Seminary, writes:
I am pleased to present to you this collection of sacred music by the Mount Saint Mary Seminary Vespers Schola.
It is our hope that by listening to these Advent and Christmas selections, which are regularly used in our liturgies at the seminary, you may unite with the priests and seminarians of the Mount in celebrating these great liturgical seasons.
May this CD be an aid to your prayer and bring you closer to the spirit of the seasons which inspire this sacred music.
Know that you are always in our prayers — please pray for our seminarians as they prepare to serve the Lord and his Church as priests for the third millennium.
This beautiful CD was recorded in the Immaculate Conception Chapel, Mount Saint Mary University, Emmitsburg MD.
Julia Parker was Schola Director and Organist, assisted by student conductors Corey Krenigel and William Meininger
Full contents:
- Suite on Wake, Awake — W.L. Wold: Prelude – Wake, Awake for Night Is Flying [2:08]
- Psalm 80: Qui regis Israel — W. Fitzgerald, O Praem [4:05]
- Lost in the Night — arr. R.M. Larson [2:50]
- Remember, O Thou Man — T. Ravenscroft [1:53]
- Advent Processional — arr. Richard Proulx [3:02]
- Mein Seele erhebet den Herren / BWV 658 — J.S. Bach [2:22]
- Ave Maria — T.L. da Victoria [2:11]
- Alma Redmeptoris Mater — chant [1:05]
- Suite on Wake, Awake — W.L. Wold: Finale – Now Let All the Heavens Adore You [3:04]
- Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming — M. Praetorius [2:23]
- Es ist ein Ros entsprungen — J. Brahms [2:56]
- O magnum mysterium — M. Lauridsen [5:07]
- Gloria in excelsis from Gloria in D — A. Vivaldi [2:38]
- Psalm 97: Dominus regnavit — W. Fitzgerald, O Praem [2:27]
- Still, Still, Still — arr. J.R. Parker [1:32]
- Cantate Domino — M.R. de la Lande [1:05]
- Jesu Redemptor omnium — chant & Ravanello [3:50]
- Gesu Bambino — P.A. Yon [4:19]
Total Time 48:55
The Vespers Schola 2013:
Br. Matthew Mary Bartow, William Meininger, Jeremy Smith, Steve Rogers, Tony Visintainer, Neil Kirchoefer, Sam Mangieri, Kyle Metzger, Mark Ruhl, Samuel Fontana, Peter Langevin, Jeff Warchal, Tyler Kline, Zak Barry, Jonathan Phillips, Jay Alexius, Gerald Ferreira, Corey Krenigel, Eric Burgener, Howard Jankowski, Mike Misulia, Sean Koehr, Evan Winter, Carl McIntosh
Julia Parker, Director and Organist

Order #: 9034
Price: $20.00
- CDs