Format: Audio CD
Produced by: The Music Makers and Schola Cantamus
In response to the Holy Father's call for a Year of the Eucharist, we are pleased to offer a compact disc of music suitable to aid and encourage Eucharistic Devotion.
The CD, entitled Adoro te, is performed by members of Schola Cantamus directed by Jeremy de Satgé, and contains many familiar Latin plainsong chants and Eucharistic hymns.
Sleeve Notes:
On October 7, 2004 Pope John Paul II declared the beginning of the Year of the Eucharist as a time dedicated to "celebrating, worshiping and contemplating" the Blessed Sacrament.
The Pope identified the need to "cultivate a lively awareness of Christ's real presence, both in the celebration of Mass and in the worship of the Eucharist outside Mass."
In particular, he also requested that: "During this year Eucharistic adoration outside Mass should become a particular commitment for individual parish and religious communities."
He went on to say: "Let us take the time to kneel before Jesus present in the Eucharist, in order to make reparation by our faith and love for the acts of carelessness and neglect, and even the insults which our Saviour must endure in many parts of the world.
Let us deepen through adoration our personal and communal contemplation, drawing upon aids to prayer inspired by the word of God and the experience of so many mystics, old and new."
One of the greatest aids to prayer is music — Saint Augustine famously stated that "He who sings, prays twice."
As part of its ongoing mission to help improve the state of Catholic music generally, The Music Makers (London) has produced this compact disc both as something of beauty to listen to and as a useful teaching aid for those wishing to perform these chants and hymns and by so doing encourage Eucharistic adoration as requested by His Holiness.
The CD contains a number traditional Latin chants and Eucharistic hymns in both Latin and English, which here are sung unaccompanied (a cappella) in order to make a more intimate sound and to let the listener hear the harmonies more clearly.
Copies of the Latin chants in modern notation are available from The Music Makers (Resource Catalogue R021) and the hymns included on the CD are taken from The Catholic Hymn Book, produced under the auspices of the London Oratory, edited by Patrick Russill and published by Gracewing.
Latin Chant
- Adoremus (Laudate Dominum)
- Adoro te (Aquinas)
- Ave verum (6th mode)
- Ecce panis Angelorum
- Homo quidem
- O quam suavis
- O sacrum convivium
- O salutaris hostia
- Pange lingua - including Tantum ergo (3rd tone)
- Sacris solemnis (4th mode)
- Tantum ergo (3rd tone)
- Tantum ergo (3rd mode)
- Tantum ergo (Mozarbo)
- Ubi caritas
- Verbum supernum
- Alleluia, sing to Jesus
- And now O Father
- Deck thyself with gladness
- Draw nigh and take the body of our Lord
- Godhead here in hiding
- O bread of heaven
- O salutaris Hostia
- O saving Victim
- O thou who at thy eucharist
- Soul of my saviour
- Sweet sacrament divine
- Tantum ergo
- Therefore we, before him bending

Order #: 9013
Price: $19.95
- CDs