Format: Book
Edition: Softcover
Published by: Ignatius Press
A follow-up to the immensely popular liturgical handbook, Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite, this book by Msgr. Peter J. Elliott is sure to be equally useful to those involved in dignified parish liturgies.
The earlier book, now in its 2nd edition, deals with specifics for liturgies: the Mass and the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours).
This newer book looks at the Liturgical Year and its pracitcalities in the parish.
In the Foreword, the Most Rev. Denis J. Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne, writes:
Monsignor Elliott has provided the present work as a guide to the most important moments of the Church year from Advent and Christmas to Holy Week, Corpus Christi and to the Solemnity of Christ the King.
His book also has been a long-awaited guide to those who wish to celebrate the events of the Church year with dignity, devotion and deep faith.
This book is widely welcomed throughout the English-speaking world.
May it be a fitting instrument to guide the Church in proclaiming and celebrating the mystery of Christ in her liturgy, so that the faithful may live from it and bear witness to it in the world.
Msgr. Elliott finds the appropriate balance between the theology of liturgy, presented in profoundly eloquent and inspiring language, and the practice of liturgy, which is discussed in pragmatic and detailed language.
Contents (238 pages):
- The General Roman Calendar
- Advent and Christmas
- Sundays in Advent
- Christmas
- Epiphany
- Presentation of the Lord
- Lent
- Ash Wednesday
- Sundays in Lent
- Rites of Christian Initiation
- Stational Celebrations in Lent
- The Way of the Cross
- Veiling Crosses and Images
- Passion (Palm) Sunday and Holy Week
- Passion (Palm) Sunday
- Holy Week
- Chrism Mass
- Holy Thursday
- The Easter Triduum
- Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
- Good Friday
- The Celebration of the Lord's Passion
- Holy Saturday
- The Easter Vigil
- Easter and Pentecost
- The Easter Octave
- Easter Season
- The Ascension of the Lord
- Pentecost Sunday
- Rogation and Ember Days
- The Season of the Year
- Trinity Sunday
- Corpus Christi
- Sundays in the Season of the Year
- Solemnities in the Season of the Year
- Notable Feasts and Memorials
- Celebration of Ecclesial Anniversaries
- Weekday Mass
- Mass Celebrated in Latin
- Popular Devotions
- The Solemnity of All Saints (November 1)
- All Souls (November 2)
- Christ the King
- Appendices
- Table of Liturgical Days [Table of Precedence]
- Table of Movable Feasts [2002-2015]
- Cycle of Readings [2002-2025]
- The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ [text only]
- The Proclamation of the Date of Easter on Epiphany [text only]
- Reception of the Holy Oils Blessed at the Chrism Mass
- Tenebræ
- National Celebrations
- Crowning an Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Diagram of a Eucharistic Procession
- Bibliography
- Glossary
- Index

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Price: $19.95
- Books